HomeNewsMaritimeOrizzonte Sistemi Navali orders two “Fremm Evo” for Italian Navy

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali orders two “Fremm Evo” for Italian Navy

As part of the multi-year “FREMM” program aimed at renewing the Italian Navy’s fleet through the construction of new-generation frigates, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN), a joint venture in which Fincantieri and Leonardo have 51% and 49% stakes respectively, has signed a contract with OCCAR ( Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement ) worth approximately 1.5 billion euros for the construction of two new FREMM frigates in the “EVOLUTION” version, called “FREMM EVO”.

The two new units will be positioned at the forefront of the military naval context both from a technological and performance point of view, capitalizing on the important technological developments already started within the recent programs of the so-called Naval Law, as well as the Mid Life Upgrade program of the Orizzonte Class Units.

The Italian Navy will thus be able to have two new FREMM Frigates that will guarantee high operational performance, with state-of-the-art technology and equipped with cutting-edge systems, as well as modern anti-drone capabilities and more generally able to operationally manage unmanned systems in three dimensions (above the surface, naval and below the surface).

The engineering skills of Orizzonte Sistemi Navali at Whole Warship and Combat System level will allow the Navy to have two operationally advanced naval units, technologically state-of-the-art and able to contribute to strengthening defensive capacity and increasing operational flexibility.

Furthermore, all the capabilities and performances in the ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) domain of the FREMM ASW units currently in service will be maintained. The two new units will be built at the Fincantieri Integrated Shipyard of Riva Trigoso and Muggiano, with the first “FREMM EVO” to be delivered in 2029 and the second in 2030.

“The acquisition of the two New Generation FREMM Frigates (EVO) is part of the broader plan for the renewal and modernization of the Naval Instrument that the Navy has launched to respond adaptively, promptly and effectively, to the current and future scenarios of a world that has changed rapidly in recent years. The evolution of the FREMMs is conceived by capitalizing on a project that has demonstrated over the years its full compliance with the needs of the Armed Forces and has received very broad international consensus. Starting from this very solid foundation, we have integrated latest-generation technologies and modern systems on the FREMMs that expand the ship’s defense capabilities and the spectrum of activities that can be conducted within the scope of missions that can be carried out for the defense and security of the country, to protect the national maritime cluster – of which we are the catalyst – to keep the maritime communication routes and straits open, to monitor and keep the seabed safe and to project diplomacy, culture and Made in Italy, as well as support for those in need”

Admiral Enrico Credendino, Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy

More specifically, the main technological modernization/upgrading interventions will concern the Cyber-resilient Ship Management System, the air conditioning and electrical distribution system, the implementation of specific solutions in order to improve the green footprint of the unit for the Platform System part. The combat system will be updated with the modern SADOC 4 Cyber-resilient Combat Management System, the radar sensors (in particular with DBR-XC fixed-face Dual Band radars) capable of supporting the defense against TBM threats, Electronic Warfare, Artillery and Missile Systems, the Sonar Suite, the Communication System and tactical data links capable of ensuring the highest and most effective level of interoperability.

“The signing today of the contract for the supply to the Navy of two additional FREMMs in EVO configuration is the result of close collaboration between institutions, armed forces and private industry. I would like to thank all those who have contributed with their commitment and expertise to this success, making it possible to finalize this contract, which represents an important milestone for the entire National Defense Industry, for Fincantieri and Leonardo, the main players in Italian Defense at national and international level, as well as for all the Small and Medium Enterprises that form the backbone of the national production fabric”

Giovanni Sorrentino, CEO of Orizzonte Sistemi Navali

The “FREMM EVO” will be equipped with highly reliable equipment, accompanied by adequate maintenance plans to guarantee the required readiness with high levels of operational availability.

“For us, the relaunch of Orizzonte Sistemi Navali represents the commitment to create a single point of integration between Fincantieri’s naval skills and those of Leonardo’s armament systems. It is the place to measure the country’s ability to preside over and develop the best of military naval skills in the interest of our Navy, representing the tradition and technological excellence of our industry. The construction of the new FREMM EVO will be the evolution of the frigate that has constituted an international standard over the last 20 years in which we will apply the new technological solutions validated in all dimensions from cybersecurity to underwater”

Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and General Manager of Fincantieri

In the coming weeks, OSN will conclude the subcontracting contracts with Fincantieri and Leonardo, which will have a value of approximately 690 million euros and approximately 415 million euros respectively.

“With the new FREMM EVO, the Italian Navy will be able to count on latest-generation naval vessels that are reliable, sustainable and have advanced operational capabilities. We are proud to contribute to this highly significant project, which demonstrates how synergy between the public and private sectors can create important economic and technological opportunities, we will continue to support the development of these technological excellences with determination and expertise, aware of their strategic role for the security of our country and their positive impact on the national production fabric”

Lorenzo Mariani, Co-General Manager of Leonardo

The one with Fincantieri constitutes a transaction between related parties of greater significance. For Leonardo, the envisaged sub-supply contract represents a transaction with a related party of lesser significance by virtue of the value of the contract and the relevance indices applicable to the case. Both transactions are defined in compliance with the relevant applicable legislation and benefit from the exclusion from the procedural regime envisaged for transactions with controlled companies (even jointly), pursuant to the current legislation and the respective procedures adopted .

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