HomeNewsMaritimeSea trials of the Tourville nuclear attack submarine

Sea trials of the Tourville nuclear attack submarine

- The Barracuda program, led by the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), reached a major milestone with the first trip to the sea of ​​the nuclear attack submarine (SNA) Tourville on July 12, 2024.

- This new stage marks the start of the ship's sea trials, following the completion work and a series of dockside trials successfully carried out in Cherbourg by the program's state and industrial teams.

- Under the direction of the DGA, in collaboration with the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), and in partnership with manufacturers, the Marine nationale crew of the SNA Tourville will conduct sea trials which will continue until upon delivery of the SNA scheduled for the end of 2024.

- The Tourville is the third production of the six Suffren class submarines of the Barracuda program. The other three submarines ( de Grasse , Rubis and Casabianca ) are currently under construction at various stages of progress, with deliveries planned until 2030, in accordance with the 2024-2030 Military Programming Law.

The first sea trip of the SNA Tourville , marking the start of sea trials of the ship, constitutes a crucial step in the Barracuda program. The achievement of this milestone follows completion works and a series of dockside tests , carried out since the transfer of the submarine from the Naval Group construction hall in Cherbourg to the launching device in July 2023. After testing the equipment installed on board, it was launched into the water in the Cachin. These tests made it possible to verify the proper functioning of the submarine’s various systems and equipment, its watertightness, as well as its propulsion, with the start-up of the nuclear boiler room, also known as “first divergence”, on April 24, 2024. .

After a first stage in the English Channel and a return to the basin at Cherbourg, sea trials will lead the Tourville to carry out trials in the Atlantic . All of these sea trials will be carried out by the submarine’s crew and according to a sequence set by engineers and technicians from the DGA, the CEA’s Military Applications Department, Naval Group and TechnicAtome . Their objective is to progressively verify all of the technical and operational capabilities of the submarine. They will last until its delivery scheduled for the end of 2024.

Throughout the sea trials phase, the ship remains the property of Naval Group and TechnicAtome . It is placed under the responsibility of the French Navy for its operational command and in its capacity as delegated nuclear operator. Project owner of the Barracuda program, the DGA and the CEA are responsible for the tests until the ship is received and delivered to the French Navy.

The six submarines ordered by the DGA as part of the Barracuda program will renew by 2030 the component of the nuclear attack submarines (SNA) of the French Navy, made up of Rubis-type SNAs put into service from The first two SNA Barracuda, the Suffren and the Duguay-Trouin , were admitted to active service in June 2022 and April 2024, respectively.

Like their predecessors, the nuclear attack submarines of the Barracuda program are equipped with nuclear propulsion which gives them a remarkable range and discretion. They are faster, more enduring and more versatile than the SNA of the previous generation with their new capabilities of implementing special forces and striking land objectives located several hundred kilometers away , using cruise missiles . naval. They represent a technological leap which allows France to remain in the very restricted club of nations which implement modern and efficient SNAs .

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