Lockheed Martin presented Belgium's first F-35A Lightning II to the Belgian government during a rollout ceremony at Lockheed Martin's F-35 production facility. This event marks a...
The Eurofighter EK (Electronic Combat) is coming. Following the recent parliamentary approval by the German budget committee, Airbus will equip 15 German Eurofighters for...
NATO has selected its next generation command and control aircraft as the Alliance’s existing Airborne Warning and Control (AWACS) fleet nears retirement. Production of...
Schiebel participated in REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) and Dynamic Messenger 2023, in Portugal. Together with several partners, Schiebel conducted...
The launching ceremony of the Vlissingen, second of the twelve mine countermeasure vessels of the Belgian-Dutch rMCM programme, intended for the Royal Netherlands Navy, took...
The Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces of the Czech Republic announced the start of negotiations on potential acquisition of the new-generation multi-mission Embraer...
The Kingdom of Denmark officially celebrated the in-country arrival of its first four permanently based F-35A Lightning II aircraft at Skrydstrup Air Base, Denmark.
During the ceremony, Lockheed...