

Sweden has upgraded all its NH90’s SAR helos

The last NHIndustries (NHI) NH90 - Helikopter (HKP) 14 has been returned to Sweden for as a search and rescue (SAR) helicopter, having been modified to...

Italian Navy’s NH90 helicopter deliveries complete

56 NH90 helicopters delivered, including 46 SH-90s for ASW/ASuW, and ten MH-90s for tactical utility transport  Wholly developed by Leonardo, the Full Crew Simulation Training...

500th NH-90 delivered

On Friday 17th March Airbus Helicopters announced that they have delivered the 500th NH-90 helicopter. 500 NH-90 helicopter operate in 18 countries with a common...

Visit on the French Navy Aquitaine-class frigate FS Alsace

On the 17th February the Horizon team visited the French Navy Frigate FS Alsace D656. The vessel was on a routine stop at Malta’s...

Italian Army’s UH-90A helicopter fleet handover complete

The Italian Army’s UH-90A (NATO’s designation for the Italian Army’s NH90 TTH) multirole helicopter programme marked a major achievement with the completion of deliveries...

International SARMeet 2016 – Koksijde

The 40th Squadron of the Belgian Air Force held the 2016 International Search and Rescue Meet in October at Koksijde Air Base. Between October 10...

Qatar’s first two NH90 NFH naval helicopters delivered

Another major programme achievement in the Qatar Emiri Air Force’s NH90 programme was made on 31 March with the delivery of the first two...

Belgian AF Airshow calendars published

The Belgian Air Force has announced the calendar of events of its four demo teams display in Belgium and also in other European countries. The...

Airbus Helicopters and Kongsberg sign long-term collaboration agreement to support Norwegian Armed Forces

Airbus and Kongsberg of Norway have signed a long-term strategic agreement to collaborate over support and services for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Under the terms...
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